Shreya Sharma

Podcaster | Writer | Marketer


Podcast Monetization Strategy

Podcast monetization isn't a one size fits all situation. It depends on your goals. When deciding on a podcast monetization technique, here's what to consider.

3 Surprisingly Effective Ways to Grow Your Podcast Audience

Mindset, goal setting, time management, & promotional priorities.

The End Of Gatekeeping In Podcasting

Sage Advice From The Women (And Gender Non-Conforming Folks) Building This Industry

The Influencer Marketing Advantage

Let’s dive into the differences, or lack thereof, between social media influencer marketing and podcasting.

Spotify's Content Problem, à la Rogan

A newsletter compilation of the time that a number of podcasters and took a stance against Spotify's content policy around Joe Rogan episodes propagating vaccine misinformation.

An (Short) Interview With Talib Jasi

Exploring the The Afros & Audio Podcast Festival with its founder.

Top Podcast Takeaways 2021

Where I collect and curate a number of responses from industry professionals and podcasters across different areas, including Growth & Acquisitions, Advertising, and Content.